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Meta’s news ban on Canada – a chance to strengthen Radio-Canada
Written by Christophe Cluzel and Catherine Léger from Radio-Canada. Christophe, Radio-Canada's Senior Director of Marketing Strategies, guides the teams in acquiring and retaining audiences, while Catherine, Senior Head of Digital…
What is a dynamic paywall?
If you're in the media business, likelihood is you already know what a paywall is. It blocks content and asks a reader to pay to subscribe in order to gain…
Newsletter landing page: 9 essentials for a successful acquisition strategy
I've subscribed to over 2,000 newsletters over the last few years. Most of them had terrible landing pages, but a few were excellent. What sets them apart? They focus on…
State of the mobile publishing market report 2024
Media businesses are facing their most difficult moment ever, Politico and Axios co-founder Jim VanderHei recently said as he ticked off challenges in audience acquisition and monetization. To compete, publishers…
L’Équipe: limiting churn when increasing the price from a highly discounted subscription offer
Romain Lhote, CMO of L’Équipe, spoke at The Audiencers’ Festival about their retention strategy whilst increasing their subscription offer price.
Developing community beyond commenting, with The Telegraph and The Times
Reader-led journalism, live Q&As, polls… how British publishers are developing subscriber engagement through community
Stand out with an onboarding pack: How The Economist increased new subscriber engagement by 3.5%
The context Educating subscribers about their entitlements is critical for successful onboarding. One effective method is to send subscribers a targeted email welcome series. However, inboxes are becoming more crowded…
Understanding subscriber loyalty and churn risk: inside Hearst US’ innovative scoring system
Discover how Hearst US revolutionized customer engagement with a groundbreaking 75-variable subscriber scoring system.


NZZ: How do you inspire people in the first 100 days?
100 days. During this time, you have to convince new users that your subscription is worthwhile for them. One of the latest guests on my Subscribe Now podcast has been…
Behind The Audiencers: from a brand publisher to a growing community, on and offline
Initially conceived as a brand medium, The Audiencers has become a community with events, groups, comments and log in. Here’s how.
What is Brand Publishing: brands taking a page out of publishers’ books
Increasingly more brands are turning to publishing – but why? What’s in it for brands? How can you reap the same benefits?
Keep calm, carry on, and launch a registration wall
Finding the best paywall strategy for your titles is no mean feat. At Alternatives Economiques, we've worked towards a model similar to that of the New York Times: based on…
Ask the experts: what are the most valuable engagement metrics to measure in a subscription model?
We asked industry experts about how to connect engagement to revenue and which KPIs publishers should track in a reader revenue model
Engagement data & conversion strategies to increase revenue
Quantify user’s loyalty journey, monetize conversion events and adapt user experiences to increase reader revenue
Developing a culture of experimentation at EBRA Media
How does France’s biggest regional newspaper group prioritize testing for continuous optimization?
Meta’s news ban on Canada – a chance to strengthen Radio-Canada
Written by Christophe Cluzel and Catherine Léger from Radio-Canada. Christophe, Radio-Canada's Senior Director of Marketing Strategies, guides the teams in acquiring and retaining audiences, while Catherine, Senior Head of Digital…

Inspiration from publishers around the world

Newsletter Walls: How a French publisher is innovating to increase its subscriber base
This French print and digital news publisher has developed a unique engagement strategy involving newsletter inscriptions and registration walls to boost ARPU and de-anonymize audiences. 
The Wall Street Journal: how to develop long term relationships with young audiences
The Audiencers' Festival at The New York Times Building on March 15th brought together 150 digital publishing professionals to discuss everything from audience research to newsletters, engaging young audiences and…
Audience research at The Atlantic: The questions that data can’t answer
Exclusive interview with Gina Bulla, executive director of audience research at The Atlantic
Retention, engagement & subscriber-only newsletters: lessons to learn from the experts at WAN-IFRA’s Digital Media Europe
From LADbible group and Die Zeit, to The New York Times and The Mill, what did the experts have to share at WAN-IFRA’s event?
How we introduced group subscriptions to The Atlantic
From the early days of market research homing in on a target audience to finding ways to incorporate user feedback throughout the development cycle, the goal was “seamless.” For years, The Atlantic has…
The Atlantic: bringing more value to readers and subscribers through our mobile app
"Our products are better when informed by the people who use them" The Audiencers' Festival at The New York Times Building on March 15th brought together 150 digital publishing professionals…
A Spirit of Generosity: How The Atlantic team collaborates to launch features like article gifting
At The Atlantic, we pride ourselves in fostering an environment that abides by a guiding principle: a spirit of generosity, or, in other words, “a natural disposition in each colleague toward…
7 lessons for publishers from 7 different subscription businesses
Learn from other subscription businesses to increase engagement, conversion and retention


4 things to learn from Fortune: diverse teams, bridge roles, economic metrics & paywalls that adapt to the reader
Chief Customer Officer Selma Stern shares her thoughts on the subscription business at Fortune Media
Don’t feel like subscribing? 12 examples of alternatives to increase ARPU
I'm guessing that you're a fan of subscriptions, otherwise you're in the wrong place. But, unfortunately, not all of our users and readers are as enthusiastic about this model. Some are…
How to dynamic paywall (it’s a lot more simple than you think)
Examples from successful publishers putting dynamic paywalls to use in better converting readers into subscribers
Takeaways from INMA’s town hall, the world’s largest annual event covering news media subscriptions
From FT Strategies’ advice for setting up an effective framework for a subscription model, to case studies about experimentations from the Irish Times and audience diversification at the Hamburger Tageblatt,…
Advertising, philanthropy, and user engagement: How the non-profit La Presse generated $13 million net assets in 2023
Montreal-based La Presse is a unique news organization. Long-time property of the Desmarais family, the legacy daily, which famously ditched its print edition for an iPad-only app in 2015, became…
#27. Does personalization come with risk?
You're reading The Audiencers' newsletter #27, sent out on November 29th, 2023. To receive future newsletters straight to your inbox every two weeks, sign up here. The Audiencers' World Tour…
Comments, raffles & hiking: how has acquired over 600k registered users
How the Swiss publisher has increased registration through a variety of acquisition channels to collect first-party data and increase engagement
Benchmarking digital publisher’s paywall on app
Given that traffic on mobiles is significantly higher than on desktop (78.2% according to research), apps play an important role in publisher's digital strategy. However, when it comes to reader…


Engagement data & conversion strategies to increase revenue
Quantify user’s loyalty journey, monetize conversion events and adapt user experiences to increase reader revenue
Forget focusing on paywall types, it’s time to put your audience first 
Instead of trying to find the ‘best paywall model’, look at your audience, segment them into engagement groups and present each group with an adapted journey that’s most likely to…
How publishers are using A/B testing to optimize conversion rates
3 examples of A/B testing – what you can test, what you should define before a test and what can you learn from these examples to apply to your own…
How to reduce the risks of launching a subscription strategy
How can you launch a subscription strategy without putting your traffic, SEO, advertising revenue and your reader’s view at risk?
The New York Times dynamic paywall model, analyzed
Registration as a soft conversion step, developing numerous levers for value creation and not worrying too much about bypassing are just some of the strategies you can apply to your…
Newsletter Walls: How a French publisher is innovating to increase its subscriber base
This French print and digital news publisher has developed a unique engagement strategy involving newsletter inscriptions and registration walls to boost ARPU and de-anonymize audiences. 
Paywall visibility rate: the essential KPI you should be tracking in your subscription strategy
Tracking and optimizing both premium content visibility and paywall visibility rate will help move users through the funnel towards subscribing in the future.
Subscription Conversions: Finding the balance between frustration and engagement
Too much frustration and a user leaves your site to find content elsewhere. Leave too much content open and you may well increase engagement but this won’t increase your revenues. So…


How Reuters and The New York Times use newsletters to drive loyalty, subscriptions, and revenue
Newsletters continue to be a valuable tool for cutting through the noise of shared online spaces and engaging audiences in direct and meaningful ways. To learn from a couple of…
Benchmark: how 3 successful British publishers are onboarding subscribers
How can you drive customer value through a successful subscriber onboarding journey?
Lock-in effects: How to make your subscription irreplaceable
9 types of lock-in effects with real world examples to better retain your subscribers
How to make newsletters valuable in a reader revenue model – The Telegraph & The Edinburgh Guardian
Peter Houston interviews Maire, Head of Newsletters at The Telegraph & Michael, founder of The Edinburgh Guardian at The Audiencers’ Festival 2023
A Spirit of Generosity: How The Atlantic team collaborates to launch features like article gifting
At The Atlantic, we pride ourselves in fostering an environment that abides by a guiding principle: a spirit of generosity, or, in other words, “a natural disposition in each colleague toward…
7 lessons for publishers from 7 different subscription businesses
Learn from other subscription businesses to increase engagement, conversion and retention
The New York Times dynamic paywall model, analyzed
Registration as a soft conversion step, developing numerous levers for value creation and not worrying too much about bypassing are just some of the strategies you can apply to your…
Why retention is more important than acquisition
Retention costs less than acquisition and brings in more revenue… it’s a no brainer!