Inspirations Testing, hard paywalls and editorial buy-in: Foreign Policy’s take on the free vs premium question We chat to Corinne Osnos, VP Subscriptions at FP on the decision-making behind their paywall model and how editorial plays a role in this.
Operations Double conversion rate: how Jeune Afrique’s dynamic model better acquires subscribers Jeune Afrique's dynamic paywall and subscription offers page adapts to user engagement & location, significantly increasing conversion rates.
Collections Media Time: the ultimate engagement metric for subscription publishers Organized by German press agency dpa and consultancy firm Highberg, the DRIVE (Digital Revenue Initiative) project was launched…
Collections Increase conversion rates: how to get started with a dynamic paywall Be audience-first with your reader revenue model by adapting the paywall and experience to a user's profile and context
Collections The conversion funnel framework, explained This article works through Poool's Conversion Funnel Framework, a set of KPIs that publishers can track in their…
Inspirations Subscription innovation: Maddyness launches a lifetime subscription offer at €1,490 Maddyness is the go-to magazine for entrepreneurs and innovators. Founded in France and now with a UK edition,…
Operations What is a dynamic paywall? If you're in the media business, likelihood is you already know what a paywall is. It blocks content…
Inspirations Increasing acquisition with introductory offers: a look behind Scientific American’s subscription growth 76% of consumers say they’re more likely to subscribe if a free trial is offered. Over the past…
Inspirations Elections, Euros, Olympics: engaging and converting audiences during big events Community building, dedicated value propositions, promotional subscription offers... how are publishers increasing reader revenue during big events?