Decisions Tech Stack Study 2024 : a look behind-the-scenes at the tools used by French Media An analysis of the latest Tech Stack Study, providing publishers with a benchmark of the range of tools used by the French media.
Decisions Open source, proprietary CMS or build your own? The choice is simple Cost is obviously an important factor, but beyond price, there are many other variables to consider. Jorge Mediavilla helps you evaluate the options.
Operations How AI helped a local newsroom in Argentina boost its reach, innovation and sustainability A resource with lessons learned from the Argentinian Todo Jujuy for other local media looking to utilize AI in the newsroom.
Collections Tech stack for a digital reader revenue model First things first, build or buy? Don’t build your own; it’s not worth it because you’re not in…
Decisions Gen AI and the ‘deconstruction’ of the media value chain "Generative AI is altering the very heart of the publishing industry: the creation of content, which means that…
Operations What is a dynamic paywall? If you're in the media business, likelihood is you already know what a paywall is. It blocks content…
Inspirations Innovating with AI, the impressive work of Aftonbladet When it comes to innovating with AI in the newsroom, Schibsted, a media group based in Oslo, shows…
Inspirations Bringing AI to a 400 year old media group Thomas Schultz-Homberg, CEO of Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Medien group, shares how AI helps their editorial and business strategies
Inspirations Listening to articles: How Le Monde uses a synthetic voice to better engage audiences Listening to articles rather than reading them, because we’re in the car, our hands are busy cooking or…
Inspirations How we developed a custom collaborative editor for our journalists at Contexte At Contexte — a fast-growing B2B online media on politics founded in 2013, based in Paris and Brussels…