Inspirations Le Parisien launches on-site onboarding journey for new subscribers Le Parisien has built a new on-site onboarding journey with with Poool, leading subscribers through 4 steps to optimize for retention byMadeleine White
Inspirations Testing and optimizing our subscription offers page at Le Monde Le Monde's team share how, after 8 months of A/B testing & several iterations, they've launched a new subscriptions offers page & conversion funnel. byMarion Wyss
Inspirations Inside The Kyiv Independent’s membership model With 70% of revenue coming directly from reader support after just 3 years of existence, The Kyiv Independent's membership model is an inspiring one! byMadeleine White
Inspirations Inside the FT’s AI-Powered Story Finding This article is co-written by Katie Koschland and Liz Lohn. AI is a divisive topic. Whatever your take is — from… byLiz Lohn
Inspirations 5 case studies on navigating sustained newsroom transformation From building a B2B product & attracting a younger, female audience to launching a Swiftie newsletter, 5 European publishers share their work. byMadeleine White
Inspirations How to build habits: eight lessons for publishers from Freeletics Ellie Hughes of Freeletics shares how they use habit-building strategies to increase engagement and retention. byLennart Schneider
Inspirations Inspiration on how to make your hard paywall dynamic The days of one-size-fits-all paywalls are over! Dynamic models are essential for digital subscription success. byMadeleine White
Inspirations Going further with interactive engagement: introducing the debating feature Regular commenting below articles has always been a frequently-used engagement feature on DER SPIEGEL. In fact, Product Manager… byMadeleine White
Inspirations Testing, hard paywalls and editorial buy-in: Foreign Policy’s take on the free vs premium question We chat to Corinne Osnos, VP Subscriptions at FP on the decision-making behind their paywall model and how editorial plays a role in this. byMadeleine White
Inspirations The 10 commandments of subscriber acquisition and digital reader revenue models From identifying user needs and adapting formats, to finding the right price and retention, digital publishing professionals shared their tips on audience acquisition and monetization. byCyrille Frank