Tech Stack Study 2024 : a look behind-the-scenes at the tools used by French Media

Now in its fourth year, the latest Tech Stack Study by France's leading university, Science Po, is now available, providing publishers with a benchmark of the range of tools used by the French media.

This annual report offers a unique insight into the tools and technologies used by French press publishers to produce, distribute and monetize their digital content. The ‘Tech Stack 2024’ survey is based on responses from press publishers, and in particular the professionals who use these tools: CTOs, editors, product managers, marketing managers, etc. For the past 4 years, the principle of the Tech Stack has remained unchanged: to consolidate practices, providing a comprehensive overview of solutions on the market whilst guaranteeing respondent confidentiality in the solutions they use.

Launched in 2021 by myself, Marion Wyss, founder of The Audiencers, and taken over in 2022 by Sciences Po, this study has become an essential tool for understanding the technological ecosystem of the French press.