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The Audiencers’ Events

Paris, London, New York, Madrid, Toronto… we’re working our way around the world to bring Audiencers together around expertise, networking and a glass of wine or two.


The Audiencers’ Festival in Paris #2

November 21st, 2024 – Join The Audiencers for a full day of networking & insightful conferences in Le Parisien’s building…

Past events

The Audiencers’ Festival London #2

June 21st, 2024 – A workshop and full day of networking & insightful conferences in The Times’ building… with an incredible view over the Thames (and some blue skies!

The Audiencers’ Festival Toronto

March 22nd, 2024 – A hundred publishing professionals gathered at El Mocambo music venue in Toronto, where we shared the stage with the likes of The Rolling Stones and Billy Idol!

The Audiencers’ Festival New York

March, 15th 2024 – Bringing together publishing professionals at the 15th floor of The New York Times building to make better decisions when it comes to engaging, converting and retaining their audiences (feat. Disco pants!)

The Audiencers’ Festival Madrid

February, 21st 2024 – Une jornada de expertos. De profesionales a profesionales del periodismo. Para compartir consejos y ayudar en la toma de decisiones a la hora de convertir y fidelizar a sus audiencias.

The Audiencers’ Festival London #1

October, 20th 2023 – The Audiencers’ Festival in London did not disappoint, with 145 digital publishing professionals for an afternoon of expertise, filled with insightful conversations both on and off stage. Oh and tacos!

The Audiencers’ Festival Paris #1

September, 22nd 2023 – 222 publishing professionals from titles across the country and abroad gathered in Les Echos – Le Parisien’s auditorium, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, to share expertise, insights and a glass of wine (or two)!