June 24th, 2025
The Audiencers' Festival London 2025

About the Festival.

June 24th 2025

Bringing publishing professionals together to make better decisions when it comes to engaging, converting and retaining their audiences.

A full day of expert insights on stage, insightful conversations off stage and plenty of time to chat with fellow Audiencers! Reserve your spot here.

The Festival Program

Using newsletters in the fight for sustainability - uplifting news, personalization, subscription & more

Elaine Piniat

Senior Manager, Newsletter Revenue Strat.
Thomson Reuters

Zoé Tabary

Senior News Editor

david topping toronto star

David Topping

Newsletters director
Toronto Star

Sarah Marshall Condé Nast

Sarah Marshall

VP Audience Strategy
Condé Nast

The creator economy, registrations and paywall tests: the Axios angle

rosemary graves Axios

Rosemary Graves

Head of Growth

Getting the most out of each reader: strategies for increasing ARPU

Sacha Cayra


Martin Seidel BILDplus

Martin Seidel

Head of Business/Product Management

Where can should AI come in when you're on the quest for subscribers?

Robin Booth emap

Robin Booth

Managing Director

aliya Itzkowitz The Audiencers

Aliya Itzkowitz

Engagement Manager
FT Strategies

Julian Thorne

Co-founder Atlas Advisory (moderator)

Session to be confirmed soon

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Making it impossible to leave without making it impossible to leave (i.e. retention)

Sabrina Cesar Tolomei

Senior Product Manager, Subscriber Retention
Business Insider

Dante Graves

Head of Consumer Revenue and subscriptions
National Geographic

Getting the most out of each article: how to capitalize on User Needs for a reader revenue model

Khalil a. Cassimally The Audiencers

Khalil A. Cassimally

Independent Consultant
& Audiencers contributor

Oliver Kemp

Oliver Kemp

Audience Editor
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism


Definitely the most useful conference I have been to this year! What made it stand out was that everyone was very transparent and open when discussing strategies and opportunities... there was a lot of discussion and knowledge-sharing around solutions, a breath of fresh air from the usual doom and gloom."

Olivia Woosey, New Statesman Group

The Festival Space

Tabernacle Theatre

34-35 Powis Sq
London W11 2AY

Event Partners